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3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings
For more than a century, Iodine has been a key factor in the treatment of wounds. Its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties and efficacy against a range of organisms has made it ideal for use in dressings.
3M™ has harnessed the clinical benefits of Iodine in 3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings. Povidone Iodine molecules found in INADINE™ dressings manage bacterial contamination and are particularly effective against MRSA.
INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings feature a colour changing indicator that alerts staff and patients to when the dressing needs to be changed. As PVP-I is released, the colour of the dressing will evolve from orange to white, thereby reducing preliminary dressing changes and improving cost effectiveness.
Another advantage of INADINE™ is that it does not interfere with wound healing. The non-adherent properties of the dressing ensure that it does not bind to granulation tissue at the wound site.
INADINE™ also provides slow-release Iodine in accordance with the amount of wound exudate. Slow release of Iodine is preferred to prevent Iodine “dumping” that can potentially inhibit antimicrobial activity and increase tissue toxicity.
- Minor traumatic skin loss injuries
- Minor burns
- Ulcerated wounds
- Pressure ulcers
- Diabetic foot ulcers
Downloadable Materials
3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings Patient Sheet
3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings Brochure
Frequently Asked Questions
Do 3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings have any contraindications?
Yes, 3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings should not be used on patients with Iodine hypersensitivity.
How long can you leave INADINE™ Dressings on?
The frequency with which the dressing should be changed will depend on the amount of exudate. 3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings can last for up to 7 days.
Do INADINE™ Dressings contain silver?
No 3M™ INADINE™ PVP-I Non-Adherent Dressings do not contain silver.
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